Gallery |
 Urban Heat |
 Wild Fires |
 Hurricane Ian |
 Mecca Heat Wave, Saudi Arabia |
 Death Valley, CA |
 Heatwave, India |
 SoCal, Winter Storm |
 Garden City, Kansas |
 Death Valley, CA |
 ET San Joaquin |
 ES Central Valley |
 ESI San Joaquin |
 Colorado Fire, Near Big Sur |
 S.F. Bay Area LST |
 Sheep Fire, Wrightwood CA |
 Borrega Wildfire - near Kingsville TX |
 Santa Barbara, DisALEXI ET |
 LST - Death Valley |
 Detroit, MI - Map |
 Ganges River Delta |
 LST - Mexico City, MX |
 ESI, Coachella Valley |
 Radiance + LST image of the La Palma volcanic eruption, Spain |
 Glass Fire, Napa CA |
 Hurricane Ida, Gulf Coast |
 Central Namibia - Dstretch |
 July 2021 Heat Wave Ground Temperature |
 Poland drought |
 Madagascar |
 Evapotranspiration, San Juan, AR |
 La Drova Wildfires, Spain |
 Drought Stress Comparison |
 Gulf of Maine |
 Diablo Canyon, Power Plant |
 Sonoran Desert |
 Los Angeles, Beaches |
 Death Valley |
 East African AG |
 Florida Bay mudbanks |
 Mangroves at World Heritage Site |
 Guatemala Dry Corridor |
 Waking Up near Lake Superior |
 Nile Delta, Egypt |
 Raikoke Eruption |
 Hart, Texas |
 Hurricane Dorian from ISS |
 Costa Rica Drought |
 Oise, France - hottest |
 Lake Erie, Southern Ontario |
 Namibia, 18May2019 |
 Yellowstone National Park |
 California coast SST upwelling |
 Tanguro Fire Experiment - Amazon |
 Rub' al Khali, Arabian Peninsula |
 Namib Desert, Namibia |
 Death Valley |
 Brandenberg Masif, Namibia |
 Meandering Mississippi River |
 Ugab River, Namibia |
 Rub' al Khali, Arabian Peninsula |
 Namib Desert, Namibia |
 Brandberg Massif, Namibia |
 MacDonnell Ranges, Australia |
 Okvango Delta, Botswana |
 Garden City, Kansas |
 Hurricane Florence |
 Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta |
 Mauna Loa - Volcanoes |
 Death Valley |
 Three main fires in Northern CA |
 Nile River at night |