NASA Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC) |
NASA Earthdata - "ECOSTRESS" Search | |
LP DAAC subsetting tool - AppEEARS Click on: "point samples" or "area samples" |
USGS Earth Explorer
Community of Practice
ECOSTRESS data (L1-4) are now publicly available and discoverable through
To join the ECOSTRESS Community of Practice, please submit the form; as part of this Community, you will have access to our Slack group and receive updates and notifications about upcoming ECOSTRESS workshops, team meetings and other announcements.
Your feedback and questions help the ECOSTRESS Project continue to improve the quality of the data and understand extent of use of ECOSTRESS data in research to applied sciences as well as develop, with our LP DAAC partners, new tools and services to help you.
ECOSTRESS Community of Practice: submit a form
Preview of currently acquired data
LP.DAAC code - reproject ECOSTRESS swath to geotiff
Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents (ATBDs)
Product Specification Documents (PSDs)
Radiometer Spectral Response Functions (SRF)
Science Data Products
Science Data Products Summary Table