ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station
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2019 Fall AGU Talks and Events

Selected ECOSTRESS Presentations

DateStart TimeEnd TimeBldgRoomFinal NumberTitlePresenter
12/9/19 8:00:00 12:20:00 Moscone South Poster Hall G11B-0519 Relating Sentinel 1 InSAR and ECOSTRESS Thermal Data to Monitor the Lava Flow at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii Ninad P Bhagwat
12/10/19 8:00:00 12:20:00 Moscone South Poster Hall NG21B-0940 Uncertainty Quantification for ECOSTRESS Evapotranspiration Kerry Cawse-Nicholson
12/10/19 11:50:00 12:05:00 Moscone West 3024, L3 H22B-07 First evapotranspiration results from NASA’s ECOSTRESS mission Joshua B Fisher
12/10/19 14:55:00 15:10:00 Moscone West 3024, L3 H23C-06 Towards Ultra High-Resolution Plant Water Use Mapping: Synergizing ECOSTRESS with Planet CubeSats Bruno Aragon
12/11/19 11:20:00 11:35:00 Moscone West 3016, L3 H32F-05 Smelt Habitat Suitability and Thermal Refugia in the San Francisco Bay Delta as Seen by Landsat and ECOSTRESS with Comparison to CDEC Gregory Hillard Halverson
12/11/19 13:40:00 18:00:00 Moscone South Poster Hall A33L-2947 ECOSTRESS: calibration and validation during the first-year in orbit William Johnson
12/11/19 13:40:00 18:00:00 Moscone South Poster Hall B33I-2594 Water Use Efficiency from ECOSTRESS: First Look Savannah Cooley
12/11/19 17:00:00 17:15:00 Moscone West 3004, L3 A34F-05 Fusing NASA ECOSTRESS and NOAA GOES-16 datasets for study of thermal regimes and water stress in terrestrial systems. Kyle C McDonald
12/13/19 8:00:00 12:20:00 Moscone South Poster Hall GC51E-1103 ECOSTRESS status and plans Simon J Hook
12/13/19 8:00:00 12:20:00 Moscone South Poster Hall GC51E-1108 Monitoring dryland riparian vegetation water use and stress via ECOSTRESS Marc T Mayes
12/13/19 8:00:00 12:20:00 Moscone South Poster Hall GC51E-1127 Using Landsat and ECOSTRESS thermal data to monitor and evaluate ecosystem restoration progress: A case study comparing temperature change over years since restoration, diurnal temperature change, and field-sampled ecological data of 31 fields undergoing restoration to oak-woodland over 12 years in Southern Ontario. Jonas Hamberg
12/13/19 13:40:00 13:55:00 Moscone West 2003, L2 GC53A-01 Comparison of surface temperature estimations by means of ECOSTRESS, ASTER and Landsat 8 thermal data: preliminary analyses on Italian geothermal areas and active volcanoes Malvina Silvestri
12/13/19 14:10:00 14:25:00 Moscone West 2003, L2 GC53A-03 ECOSTRESS-Landsat Synergy for Mapping Evapotranspiration and Vegetation Stress in Agricultural Landscapes Martha Anderson
12/13/19 14:25:00 14:40:00 Moscone West 2003, L2 GC53A-04 High spatial resolution thermal infrared measurements from ECOSTRESS in support of Surface Biology and Geology (SBG) targeted observable science and applications Glynn C Hulley


 AGU 100 - GC51E - Advances Toward Global Imaging Spectroscopy and Thermal Infrared Measurements III PostersDec 13, 2019 from 08:00 AM to 12:20 PM — Moscone South - Poster Hall ,AGU 100 - GC53A - Advances Toward Global Imaging Spectroscopy and Thermal Infrared Measurements IDec 13, 2019 from 01:40 PM to 03:40 PM — Moscone West - 2003, L2 ,AGU 100 - GC54A - Advances Toward Global Imaging Spectroscopy and Thermal Infrared Measurements IIDec 13, 2019 from 04:00 PM to 06:00 PM — Moscone West - 2003, L2,



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