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JPL Postdoc Research Day 2020

Every year the Postdoc Research Day poster session displays the postdocs' work to all members of the JPL-Caltech community on the JPL mall. However, due to COVID-19 safer-at-home policies, JPL this year forgo the traditional poster session format and instead the postdocs shared short-recorded presentations on the JPL Spark website.

Presentations summarizing the exciting research conducted by postdocs at JPL in:

• Astrophysics and Space Science
• Earth Science
• Planetary Science and Life Detection
• Technology, Instrumentation, and Engineering

The top presentation in each category were selected by a panel of judges and announced in December.

This year's award for Earth Science goes to:

Madeleine Pascolini-Campbell for her work on GRACE-FO and ECOSTRESS synergies
The presentation can be found herePDF File.

PDF File 

Awardees will each receive an engraved plaque and briefly summarize their research at an awards ceremony in January 2021. This is a great chance to become familiar with the cutting-edge science and technology work. The basis for possible future missions being conducted by JPL postdocs and their advisors.

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